Sunday, August 15, 2010

There are mountains, and a sea

The weather here is astounding. It couldn't have been over 80 degrees even at 4 pm, with the brilliant sun and blue sky as we walked around the Danish-like streets of Solvang. Like any tourist town, each gift shop is packed with all the same stuff - magnets of clogs and windmills and beer steins, and lots of crystal necklaces - but the dainty, colorful architecture and the gorgeous weather made it the most amazing afternoon I've spent outside - and maybe the only afternoon I've spent outside - since May, as it's simply too hot to do this in Oklahoma.

Then we had espresso and aebleskivers, which I remember Grandma Lil making - perhaps the Swedish version, but I've had them before. Then wine and cheese hour at the inn, and sake and sushi for dinner, the freshest, most amazing sushi John and I have ever had.

And our room has shutters. Shutters! I have never stayed somewhere with real shutters before. Opening and closing them is strangely thrilling.

And we have three and a half more lovely days here.

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