Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sourdough Starter Day 1

The sourdough starter is ready, in a plastic container with the lid loose for gases to escape. I'm not certain it's going to work, since only 1 out of every 2 breads I make succeeds at all, although John might say it's 3 out of 4. But since I tend to throw things together, which works far better for cooking than baking, we'll see how it turns out. It sits for 12 more hours at least, possibly 24, before I do anything else.

But this baking bread thing is important for both my sanity and John' s - I can't keep baking cakes & cookies, since we both eat them. So I get my baking fix, and he gets bread.

Plus, we have all of Mom's cookies that I made for Christmas sitting in the tins I bought to give to Shannon and never did, because our flights were cancelled. Noodle cookies, of course (John thinks I should make them with peanut butter chips instead of butterscotch next year), French buttercreams (only red, this second batch), cream cheese mint cookies, a friend's recipe (which I dyed green and rolled in sprinkles - they look like ornaments, deliciously festive), and Russian tea cakes. No meringues, after 2 huge failures. Next year. And I'll make that damn peppermint meringue cake, too.

In the meantime, Buddy is laying against the chair with his bone, and Kitty's passed out on the suitcase, which I still need to unpack since obviously we never went to Houston. And it's time for breakfast.

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